Here are some words that the kids say, or used to say, that make me and Paul laugh. Noted for posterity. And our amusement...
Arlo's list (aged 4 years)
Flamingos = Falingos
Computer = Conkuter
Breakfast = Grekfast
Trampoline = Jumpoline
Music = Yusic
Croissants = Crussels
Jacky's list (aged 2, and the all important half, years)
Arlo = Orlo
Disgusting = dee-gusting
Octopus = Optus
Help me = help wiv me
Giraffe = gaffe
Sausage = Saudagen
Humpty Dumpty = Hump Dumpty
Gingerbread man = Breader man
Elephant = Munt (long gone, but not forgotten)
Bran Flakes = Brown Flakes
Stinky = Stink..NO! Danny
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