Friday 30 July 2010

The kitchen sink

Hmmm...this is definitely alot more snug than it was 3 years ago....

Little brother still fits OK though...

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Wednesday Cookies

We made chocolate chip cookies today. Jacky ate ALL of his chocolate chips before they went anywhere near the top of the cookies.

"No! Not cookies! Jacky eating!"

Fair enough really.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Spot the little boy

I know it's not christmas but I AM working on a Christmas film and this picture just makes me happy.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Eating sand

2 minutes earlier Jacky was eating sand. Arlo was very concerned "if he eats sand Daddy, he'll get a bad tummy and then all his sick will come out".

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Monday 19 July 2010

Things beginning with P

My list - pink, pig and parrot.

Arlo's list - poo and puss.

I love having boys.

Stick rules

If you're going to collect sticks in the woods, it is VERY important to find a bigger stick than your little brother.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Spider Wednesday

Today we made spiders.

Then we watched telly. Charlie and Lola.
Actually...Arlo watched telly. Jacky schmushed play-doh in to the carpet while I tidied away spider debris.

Monday 12 July 2010

Being 2

Jacky cried on sunday morning. For 2 hours. We let him lie on the floor for most of it. At least 1 hour and 50 minutes of the crying was spent on the floor.

This morning he threw a bowl of cornflakes and a cup of milk across the kitchen.

But he only cried for half an hour.

Things are looking up for the Deanes.

Pop-up Pirate Jack

July 2010
We were having a particularly 'piratical' day. Jacky was really getting in to it.

Arlo Deane (and Bear Bear Deane)

July 2010
Arlo Deane and his appendage. Bear Bear Deane.
We have no idea why he's called "Bear". Or why he's called it twice...

Pirate Jack Deane

July 2010
Jacky. Being grumpy. Also being a pirate.
A grumpy pirate.